Category: Uncategorized

  • April 4th

    April 4th

    Nine watching over her domain. The city that drew us together. This day was just one of countless in the heath. Meandering. Talking. Enjoying each other’s company. I don’t think this cork was popped in the heath, but indeed it was a noteworthy day.

  • March 28th

    March 28th

    Coming off the heels of your birthday, it would seem we didn’t let ourselves slow down. This was our faces when we had zoom cocktails with Susie and Neil and Jamie and Bas and Ros and Dave where you got to properly see them all. When we decided Susie and Neil’s connection was shite, and…

  • Move to Hempstead

    Move to Hempstead

    As amazing as it was at Citizen M, we had to leave lest we break our bank accounts. And then some angels descended upon us and offered up their apartment in Hempstead. 500 meters where Ros and Dave lived for years. 500 meters from a beautiful open space that made lock down not feel like…

  • Saturday Champagne

    Saturday Champagne

    The two of us, basking in the sun, sipping champagne, music fluttering through the air while the two of us lazily do a crossword… simply magic. Conversations deep into the warm summer nights. Dinners by candle light and flowers. This cork will forever remind me that I want all of that, all the time, wherever…

  • Zoom with Rizzle Dizzle

    Zoom with Rizzle Dizzle

    Seeing you interact with my family is like a mega hug, all the time, and it brings me so much joy. The fact you offered to have a threesome with Ros I think sums it up perfectly.

  • Becks’ Bolli

    Becks’ Bolli

    This cork might not match the day in this picture, but we know we drank a lot of champagne that day. And this cork represents the deep intense friendship that you and Becks have and how on this day, I felt apart of it. How we asked the hard questions and we didn’t mind trying…

  • Ronda


    With this cork, I really felt apart of your friend group. I felt I could be myself and not think I had to impress. I love them all so much and I look forward to so many more of these trips.

  • FZTHA Kickstarter Launch

    FZTHA Kickstarter Launch

    A lot of people helped me make this book, but your encouragement and support were maybe the most helpful for me to get the book across the finish line and for me to be able to say, it is done. Truly a memorable cork to represent the day I learned I don’t know how to…

  • Marriage Discussion

    Marriage Discussion

    This cork represents a passionate conversation we had in the garden about how we want to celebrate our ever burgeoning love. It was emotional, and hard, and beautiful… but at the end of it, it was clear that we both want to go to the top of a mountain and scream out loud how much…

  • Nine’s 40th Birthday

    Nine’s 40th Birthday

    Not surprisingly, there are way more than just one cork for this day. This day when I decided I really wanted to be in England with you, for you. The day that really began a move to England for the girl I love.